Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Attention Scorpios: Need Some Zen...Find Your Inner Bull

**This is an old post from my Astro-Talk blog, but thought I'd post it here, as it discusses the 8th house polarity, and can help to better understand how to handle Scorpionic issues by embracing the 2nd house or Taurus polarity.

What can Taurus teach us about being in the present, resting in the peace and contentment of our inner core? Plenty!! Siddhartha (Lord Buddha) was born under the full moon in Taurus, the sign of the Bull. Buddha, like Jesus, taught us how to "be in the world and not of it", with all of its drama, attachments, cravings, sufferings, etc. Zen is the feeling we catch every now and again within this human condition. Its being in the zone, completely connected to the present moment and immersed in the contentment and joy it brings, alongside all the insanity.

In astrology, the 2nd/8th house polarity partly relates to the transmutation of human drama and the shadow self (8) through establishing a meditative grounded presence within the body, and engaging fully with life (2). The sign of Taurus can teach us how to find contentment and peace of mind by practicing awareness and forgiveness of the egoic self and all of its toxic baggage, which takes us away from our true self, everlasting Spirit. Taurus shows us how to relax in the abundance of the earth, and life itself, which is a true miracle. In fact, just being alive is a miracle. This sign is all about sensation and coming alive through awareness and contact with all of our senses; touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. The taste of a juicy peach, the feel of silk on your skin, the smell of cookies baking, gazing at a beautiful sunset....these are the gifts of Taurean energy. The Bull's motto is; Living simply and Simply Living.

We must learn how to carry our wounded and dramatic ego in our awareness, yet detach from it, and calmly bring our focus to our bodily sensations and our engagement with life in the present moment. This promotes peace of mind and healing, because you are engaging with your core self, beyond the wounds, drama and endless mental chatter. You know the Scorpio polarity has become activated when you attach to drama, turmoil, pain and suffering, and continue to magnify it. Scorpions can and sometimes do end up stinging themselves in the end, due to their unwillingness to let go and forgive. Yes, this happens to all of us here on Earth, there is no escaping it. Luckily we have the opposite sign of Taurus to teach us how to gently move from Earth drama to peace and calm...to catch a little ZEN...

Good reads on the subject: Books by Thich Nhat Hanh and Jon Kabat-Zinn

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